Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deadline by Chris Crutcher

What would you do if you knew you only had one year to live? Different people would have very different answers to that question. Ben is a high school senior when he finds out he has an incurable form of leukemia. He decides that rather than waiting to die, he wants to live life to the hilt! He makes the decision to keep his illness a secret from family and friends, and skips traditional medical treatments that could have debilitating side effects. Ben can do that because he’s over the legal age of 18. The plan is to live out his senior year as “normally” as possible. He wants to go all out and cram a whole lifetime into one year, and he does! Ben tries out for football, despite the fact that he weighs less than a hundred and thirty pounds; he befriends the town drunk; and he finally gets up the courage to ask out the girl of his dreams. This is a quick read with a blend of football action, love scenes and true-life drama.
http://www.chriscrutcher.com/ Patty McClune

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